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How to get:

Sao Thome das Letras is in the southern state of Minas Gerais, near the town of Three Hearts. 
Coming from Belo Horizonte and Sao Paulo the most practical access is by BR381 (Fernão Dias) until Three Hearts. From there it hits the road for São Bento Abade. Before reaching this town there is an entrance to Sao Thome. From there are more about 20 kilometers. 
The tourist city of Rio de Janeiro should get the BR116 (Via Dutra) to Steps Engineer. From there follow the journey through the cities of Itamonte, Pouso Alegre, Caxambu and Cruzília. The latter to Sao Thome path is done by land (36Km).
To southeast visitors of Mines and the State of Espírito Santo, it is best to follow Juiz de Fora (MG) and from there take the BR267 to Cruzília entry. Who does not want to face the dirt road (Cruzília - Sao Thome), which is poorly marked, should continue in the BR267 to Cambuquira and from there to Three Hearts. 

Belo Horizonte - 331km 
Rio de Janeiro - 342km 
São Paulo - 331km 
Three Hearts - 38km 
Cruzília - 36km 
Juiz de Fora - 221km  
Its prime location combined with its rustic air and typically miner inside, mountainous point and raised to 1 440 meters above sea level (allowing observation of virtually the entire region around), it makes the city is favorite destination for many enthusiasts tourists nature and people linked to the arts in general, being inclusive setting for an old novel the former Network Headline.

  • Address:  Rua Jose Cristiano Alves, 105, São Thomé das Letras, Minas Gerais, Brazil
  • Phone:  +55 35 3237-1239